Marche Funèbre Marche Funèbre - Uneven

In a world of black and white
Simplicity is king and order his queen
In a world of black and white
All questions answered by yes or no

In a world of black and white
An existence of duality
Simplicity is king and order his queen
An existence of duality

In a world of black and white
The binary order of life
All questions answered by yes or no
The binary order of life

All there is, was, and will be
Count to two, all you can do

Bring an end to this illusion of false hope
Dark ages’ logic obscuring the mind's eye
All uneven

Bring an end to this illusion of false hope
Options multiply without binary chains
All uneven

Reject! Refuse a world of binary simplicity
There's more than heaven or hell
Accept complexity, an eternity of colours
There's more than black or white
Exist! Release the ties of the past
Be one, free from this doom of men

Oh, vile desire for order
Our world drowns in manmade rules
Deny these simple lies, overthrow and grow

Now open your once covered eyes
Truth no longer hides
All there is, was, and will be
More than a mind can see